Colectica For Excel

Colectica For Excel
  1. On the Colectica ribbon tab, click the Document Workbook button.

    After clicking the Document Workbook button, Colectica will embed information in your workbook to document your data file and each column. You can add more detailed information by following the steps below.

  2. On the Colectica ribbon tab, click the Data Documentation button to ensure the Data Documentation pane is visible.

  3. Use the Dataset Details tab in the Data Documentation pane to add information about your data file.

  4. If you add or remove columns, click the Refresh Documentation button in the Dataset Details tab.

    The Refresh Documentation button will attach documentation for any new columns you have added, remove information for any deleted columns, and update column names within the documentation.

Colectica For Excel

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Colectica For Excel Download


Colectica For Excel

Colectica for excel download

Colectica For Excel Free

Colectica for Excel is a new free Excel Addin that describes data files, variables, and code lists directly within the Microsoft Excel application using open standards. Importing SPSS and Stata data into Excel, along with metadata, is also included in the software release. Colectica for Excel has been released today by Colectica. After installing the Colectica for Excel addin, open Microsoft Excel. On the Colectica ribbon tab, click the Options button. If you are registering the Professional version, enter your Professional Registration code in the Professional Activation Code text box and click Activate Professional.