Wrap Text On Microsoft Word

Wrap Text On Microsoft Word

Wrap Text In Microsoft Word 2010

Microsoft Office Word is a widely used word processing document with numerous built-in features. There are a number of formatting options which enable a user to make the text in a Word file more presentable and meaningful. Apart from other formatting options, a user can wrap text around a table in Word; using this option changes the layout of the text. After text in Word has been wrapped around a table, it looks very similar to text wrapped around an image on a printed newspaper.

Things Required:

– Microsoft Office Word installed on a computer

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Wrap Text In Microsoft Word


  • Launch a new session of Word and wait momentarily for the programme to load properly. If you created a new Word file, a blank Word document will appear on the screen.

  • 2

    In order to create a new table in Microsoft Word, simply click the tab labelled ‘Insert’ and then click ‘Table’ to open a submenu. Here you can choose the option that best suits your requirements. Create the table accordingly and move on to the next step.

  • 3

    Click anywhere inside the boundaries of the table. This will bring the table into focus so that all the changes you make from this point onwards will be related to the table.

  • 4

    Right click inside the table and from the dropdown menu which appears, choose ‘Table Properties’. A dialogue box labelled ‘Table Properties’ will appear on the screen.

  • 5

    In the ‘Table Properties’ dialogue box, click the ‘Table’ tab if it is not already opened. Under the ‘Table’ tab, you will see a number of formatting options. Towards the bottom of the dialogue box, look for the section labelled ‘Text wrapping’.

  • 6

    In order to wrap text around the table, simply click the box labelled ‘Around’ in the ‘Text wrapping’ section.

  • 7

    Click the ‘OK’ button to apply the changes you just made. Word will now wrap text around the table while you type it. If text is already present around the table, it will automatically be wrapped around the table.

Wrap Text On Microsoft Word

Wrap Text In Ms Word 2007

Wrap text on microsoft word

Text Wrap Microsoft Word Mac

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Wrap Text Ms Word 2016


Wrap Text In Microsoft Word

You can access Text Wrapping options in three ways: With the picture selected, click the contextual Format tab and then click the Wrap Text option in the Arrange group. Right-click the picture. In Word, select the column of text that is causing a problem. Bring up the Paragraph properties panel (Page Layout tab, Paragraphs ribbon section, press the 'expand' button). On the Asian Typography tab, check the 'Allow Latin text to wrap in the middle of a word' property, and press OK on the panel. By default, Word sets text wrapping to In line with text when you insert or paste a new picture into a document. In line with text may not be what you prefer, so here's how to change the default. Go to File Options Advanced. In the Cut, copy, and paste section, change the setting under Insert/paste pictures as: to the text wrapping style. And all of that has to do with text wrapping in Word. If you choose to use a floating object in your Word document, you can then select several different ways that object incorporates with text.