Teamviewer Commercial Use Detected Fix With Change

  1. Teamviewer Commercial Use Detected Fix With Change Of Ip
  2. Teamviewer

Sep 06, 2018 Don’t upgrade to TeamViewer’s expensive commercial plan, switch to Splashtop and save! Update – 7/30/2019: Over the last two days, hundreds of TeamViewer Free users have flocked to Splashtop after getting hit with “Suspected Commercial Use” notifications. Teamviewer Commercial Use Suspected Warning Message! Step 1: Close teamviewer if its running on your pc Step 2: Click Windows Start Run and Type%appdata% now find teamviewer folder and delete it.


> @rahulks said:
> because it shows me this everytime i use it
> <img src=''>
> i am only using it for personal things like helping friends. Is there a way to fix this ? I tried reinstalling but it didnt fix it.
> And Do you know any alternative for TV ? Which is free for personal use ?
> is LogMeIn similar to TeamViewer ? if you know any other software thats easy to setup and use like TeamViewer.If yes , please tell me.
> Dont suggest me Remote Desktop Connection and UltraVNC or other 'VNC's'
> and i use windows on PC

I´ve posted here only to say that this problem (“Commercial Use Suspected!”) happened to me too, this week...

Since I began using TeamViewer 3, I used LogMeIn and a lot of other tools, but LogMeIn offered poorer service and features, upgrade after upgrade. TeamViewer was something unstable in the first releases, but corrected the bugs and stabilized after each upgrade. Until release 6-7 was Ok and no more problems (like this “Commercial Use Suspected!”) happened, at reasonable speed and stability. But only recently they came to appear with these stupid 'business rule change' and in the beginning of this week (during some remote access) was possible to see that no more than 5 minutes could be possible to stay remote, a very serious problem to someone that used this tool...

  • Fix, fix or remove the ‘commercial use detected’ notice in Teamviewer. In order to solve the problem with the notice of commercial use detected in the team viewer, we must follow the following steps: First we must access the device manager, from Windows explorer, and choose the Network adapters option; usually the first adapter option that.
  • Teamviewer is the all in one remote support software which helps to connect anyone’s desktop or laptop computer remotely from any where online. Undoubtedly its one of the most trusted, secured, best remote support application which is available now and also offers free version for personal use, not for commercial use.

Well, for a company that have a lot of persons in the IT area and a large budget, maybe ~$749,00 could be not so expensive, but for someone that should pay your bills every month doing some support, maybe could be not so cheap. Maybe this not passed in the heads of the TeamViewer team, or something like this.

And even when doing some remote support for anyone, I suggested to they use TeamViewer and a lot of these people did so, acquiring a proper license.

But when I started to have serious problems with TeamViewer (like this “Commercial Use Suspected!”) I restarted immediately to research again and found a suggestion to use other tool, named impcremote and started to test it, but stopped these tests after noting a serious unstability (VNC based features, mouse movement, lack of PrintScreen of remote desktop to save it, to mention some few problems I encountered)...

Than I started to research again and after some hours and being very tired to continue, I´ve found Remote Utilites ( and gave a last try. Only used RUT (Remote UTilities) agent and the portable viewer and I was very impressed with the stability and useful features, to mention some of them:

Teamviewer Commercial Use Detected Fix With Change

•Was possible to aggregate all remote desktops in only one console, using tabs;
•Was possible to reconfigure the remote agent, restart it and reconnect again;
•Was possible to see that even when using Agent, the process is simple and stable;
•Was possible to put in some hosts, without limitation of number of these hosts;
•Was possible to use tabs including in the File Transfer window, to reference other folders from/same or different places;
•Was possible to access the remote command prompt locally, from the remote host;
•Was possible to reconnect automatically, when some connection problems happened;
•Was possible to use it´s own repeater (free self-hosted firewall bypass server you can install on your premises; the trial version of Remote Utilities also works with GMS);
•All of these features and others, without painfull process and at lower cost: $29,95 per computer (also exist other types, too)...
Well, fortunately these TeamViewer 'business rule change' produced a good result, being possible to find another stable product for a better price.

Please help me and other unfortunate TeamViewer users by propagate that this other tool (Remote Utilities) is a good and viable replacement to maintain remote help and help TeamViewer to reduce their servers workload and user base, from 100.000.000 to near 3 or 4 users around the entire world, giving back to them a correct answer for their stupid 'business rule change'...

Teamviewer Commercial Use Detected Fix With Change Of Ip


Teamviewer commercial use detected fix with change management


P.S.: Sorry if could exist some english written and/or gramatical errors.