- God of War III Walkthrough. In God of War III, Kratos takes on his most exciting and challenging quest yet. Prevail against all odds with GameSpot's walkthrough.
- GOD OF WAR III – PlayStation 3 About. This introductory guide is for the game God of War III for the PlayStation 3. The game is the 5th game in the franchise and was released by Sony Computer Entertainment in March of 2010. The game chronicles the next chapter for Kratos, the new God of War. Table of Contents TOC.
For God of War III on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Question on Difficulty'.
Complete, intro guide, with everything you need to play the game and a detailed walkthrough
This introductory guide is for the game God of War III for the PlayStation 3. The game is the 5th game in the franchise and was released by Sony Computer Entertainment in March of 2010. The game chronicles the next chapter for Kratos, the new God of War.
Table of Contents [TOC]
Controls [CTRL]
Special Items [SPIT]
On Use Items [OSI]
Weapons [WEP]
Abilities/Combos [ABLT]
Blades of Exile [BOE]
Claws of Hades [COH]
Bow of Apollo [BOAP]
Boots of Hermes [BOH]
Head of Helios [HOH]
Nemean Cestus [NEMC]
Nemesis Whip [NEMW]
Walkthrough [WLK]
Gaia [GAIA]
Leviathan [TLV]
Mount Olympus [MTO]
Leviathan Part Two [LP2]
Heart of Gaia [HOGA]
Poseidon [POSD]
River Styx [TRSY]
Underworld [TUW]
Judges of the Underworld [JOU]
The Forge [TFO]
Palace of Hades [POH]
Hades [HDS]
The Forge Returned [TFR]
Questions for Beginners [QFB]
Controls [CTRL]
Button |Use
Select |Options
Start |Menu/Pause
Left Analog Stick |Move
Right Analog Stick |Dodge
L1 |Block
L2 |Use Item (used in conjunction with X, Triangle, Square)
R1 |Interact (used in conjunction with environmental objects)
R2 |Magic Attack
Triangle |Strong Melee Attack
Square |Normal Melee Attack
Circle |Grab Enemy
X |Jump
D-Pad Up |Blades of Exile
D-Pad Right |Claws of Hades
D-Pad Down |Nemean Cestus
D-Pad Left |Nemesis Whip
Special Items [SPIT]
Gorgon Eye
Collecting three of the Gorgon Eyes will increase Kratos’ life bar.
Phoenix Feather
Collecting three of the Phoenix Feathers will increase Kratos’ magic bar.
Minotaur Horn
Collecting three Minotaur Horns will increase the number of times a special item can be used.Red Orb Red Orbs are obtained from defeating enemies and opening specially marked chests. These orbs are the currency used to upgrade abilities and weapons. More Red Orbs can be obtained by defeating enemies using elaborate combos.
Blue Orb
Blue Orbs are obtained from defeating enemies and opening specially marked chests. These orbs restore magic power to Kratos.
Green Orb
Green Orbs are obtained from defeating enemies and opening specially marked chests. These orbs restore health to Kratos.
Golden Orb
Golden Orbs are obtained rarely from certain enemies, as they are defeated. These orbs restore Kratos’ Rage of Sparta ability.
On Use Items [OSI]
Icarus Wings
Wings that were taken from Icarus and allow Kratos to glide for small distances.
Golden Fleece
Fleece stripped from Jason and the Argonauts which allows Kratos to block incoming attacks.
Apollo’s Bow
Bow that shoots ranged attacks and can be charged before releasing. Also can set fire to dead branches and brambles that allow Kratos to access new areas.
Head of Helios
Head taken from Helios himself. Using the head, Kratos can blind enemies for short periods of time or uncover hidden passages and items in darkened areas. Kratos can also use it in a wide arc to stun groups of enemies.
Hermes Boots
Boots taken from the messenger of the gods that allow Kratos to move faster through the world. Out of combat, these boots can help Kratos move up walls that are marked with golden footprints. While fighting enemies, Kratos can charge into enemies using the boots and knock them back.
Weapons [WEP]
Blades of Exile These signature blades are your basic weapons throughout most of the adventure. The blades are essentially flying swords that are attached to Kratos’ wrists with chains. Many moves and combos include these Blades including the magic spell Army of Sparta.
Claws of Hades
The Claws of Hades are awarded after Hades’ defeat. These purple claws allow Kratos to summon ghosts of various enemies and beasts that he has killed to damage his enemies.
Nemean Cestus
These lion-headed gloves are stripped from Hercules himself. The armored fists allow Kratos to unleash devastating melee attacks and can release intense shockwaves.
Nemesis Whip
This powerful weapon is like a regular whip with the volume turned up. There are a number of razors attached to each tail. These razors are charged with electrical power.
Blades of Athena
These blades were awarded to Kratos directly from the Goddess of Wisdom and War at the end of the first game. At the beginning of this adventure, Kratos will have access to these powerful weapons.
Abilities/ Combos [ABLT]
Blades of Exile – Primary Abilities [BOE]
Olympic Fury – (Square, Square, Square, Square, Square, Square)
This ability deals increasing area damage that strikes enemies at range.
Plume of Prometheus – (Square, Square, Triangle)
This is a basic combo that unleashes powerful attacks and ends on a heavy strike. The combo is relatively short but should be a common combo in your rotations.
Hyperion Ram – (Circle and L1)
This maneuver allows Kratos to throw his Blades of Exile at an enemy and pull his body toward the enemy. Kratos will charge the enemy and stun them while inflicting large amounts of damage. This grappling move can also allow Kratos to cover distances across the screen quickly to continue damaging enemies.
Olympic Ascension - (Hold Triangle Key)
During combat, holding the Triangle key will allow Kratos to strike an enemy with a punishing attack that flips the enemy and sends him airborne. Adding this move at the end of other combos can continue the streak.
Army of Sparta – (R2)
This magic spell summons a group of ghosts of Spartan warriors to surround Kratos and deal intense damage to all enemies within range. This spell should be used on boss fights or when Kratos is getting overwhelmed to deal pushing damage.
Blades of Exile – Upgraded Abilities
-Red Orbs Required – 4,000
-Increased Damage - Blades of Exile inflict additional damage
Argo’s Ram – (L1 and Square)
This move allows you to block incoming damage if used at the correct time. Tap the Square key to counter attack using the Golden Fleece.
Cyclone of Chaos - (L1 and Square)
This move allows Kratos to rotate the Blades of Exile in a tornado of damage. This is effective in groups of enemies to deal increasing damage and build combo points. Tap the X key to complete this move in the air.
Blades of Exile – 2nd Upgraded Abilities
-Red Orbs Required – 7,000
-Increased Damage - Blades of Exile inflict additional damage
Athena’s Wrath - (Right Analog Stick, Triangle)
Upon dodging an attack, tap Triangle to activate Athena’s Wrath. Kratos will counterattack by driving his weapons into the floor. This will unleash a fiery attack across the ground to monsters ahead of him.
Hyperion Fury - (Hold Square)
Kratos will launch toward an enemy and attack them with a number of quick punches and slashing upward. This move can be tacked on the end of longer combat sequences to continue the carnage.
Valor of Hercules – (Triangle, Triangle, Square)
This easy to remember combo results in Kratos unleashing two intense attacks and a final swipe of the crossed blades. This basic move should be used liberally once acquired.
Army of Sparta – (R2)
This upgraded magic attack will summon additional allies and increase the distance it will hit enemies.
Blades of Exile – 3rd Upgraded Abilities
-Red Orbs Required – 8,000
Cyclone of Chaos - (L1 and Square)
This upgraded cyclone ability increases additional damage. Continue to tap the Square button to release additional attacks.
Tartarus Rage - (L1 and Triangle)
A similar attack to the Cyclone of Chaos but can be used on the ground or while airborne.
Blades of Exile – 4th Upgraded Abilities
-Red Orbs Required – 10,000
-Increased Damage – Blades of Exile inflict increased damage
Tartarus Rage – (L1 and Hold Triangle)
This ability has been upgraded to deal increased damage.
Army of Sparta - (R2 and Tap Circle)
This final upgrade of the magic spell will deal increased damage and possesses increased range.
Claws of Hades – Primary Abilities [COH]
Hades Agony - (Square, Square, Square, Square, Square)
Kratos whips the Claws of Hades in a wide arc, causing intensely damaging hits.
Hades Ascension – (Hold Triangle)
At the conclusion of a string of attacks, hold Triangle to strike an enemy throwing him up into the air. Kratos can then jump into the air and continue attacking the enemy.
Hades Curse – (Triangle, Triangle, Triangle)
Kratos can strike enemies ahead of him by hitting the ground with the Claws of Hades and pull himself toward the enemy. Continuing to hit Triangle will attack the enemies.
Soul Summon – (R2)
Kratos can summon the ghost of monster and send it flying at the enemy. As you upgrade the weapons, additional souls are unlocked. Kratos will need to be facing an enemy to unleash the ghost that then charges at the oncoming monster. The basic souls available for the Claws of Hades are the Olympus Archer, Sentry, and Cerberus Mongrel. The souls summoned can be changed in the menu.
Soul Rip – (L1 and Circle)
Kratos can send the Claws of Hades flying at the enemy that then dig into the opponents flesh. Kratos will then pull on the Claws, ripping out an enemy’s soul. The souls appear as skulls that then strike out at other enemies in the vicinity.
Claws of Hades – Upgraded Abilities
-Red Orbs Required – 3,000
-Increased Damage – Claws of Hades inflict additional damage (135% damage)
Tormenting Lash – (L1 and Square)
Kratos will unleash a spinning attack using the Claws of Hades. This attack is effective when a group of enemies is attacking you. This attack can also be used while airborne.
Claws of Hades – 2nd Upgraded Abilities
-Red Orbs Required – 5,000
-Increased Damage – Claws of Hades inflict additional damage (160% damage)
Hades Bane - (Right Analog Stick and Triangle)
After dodging an attack, tap Triangle to inflict an overhead attack against your enemy.
Soul Summon – (R2)
Once upgraded, you can now also summon the ghosts of the Olympus Fiend, Gorgon, and Chimera.
Claws of Hades – 3rd Upgraded Abilities
-Red Orbs required – 6,000
-Increased Damage – Claws of Hades inflict additional damage (190% damage)
Unending Sorrow – (Triangle and L1)
Kratos will use his claws to launch enemies upward and inflict punishing damage. This attack can also be used while airborne.
Claws of Hades – 4th Upgraded Abilities
-Red Orbs Required – 9,000
-Increased Damage – Claws of Hades inflict additional damage (200% damage)
Soul Summon – (R2)
Once upgraded, you can now also summon the ghosts of the Centaur General, Siren Seductress, and Cyclops Berserker.
Bow of Apollo – Primary Abilities [BOAP]
Fiery Inferno - (L2 and Hold Square)
Holding the Square button will allow Kratos to charge his arrow before releasing it at an enemy. This is a more intense attack that can also set certain environmental objects on fire including containers of oil that can explode in close proximity to enemies or dried brambles that can create Icarus Vents to glide over.
Flame Burst – (L2 and Square)
This attack shoots a fiery arrow toward ranged enemies dealing minimal damage. Arrows can also be shot while airborne.
Bow of Apollo – Upgraded Abilities
-Red Orbs Required – 2,500
-Increased Damage – The Bow of Apollo inflicts additional damage
Boots of Hermes – Primary Abilities [BOH]
Hermes Rush – (X and L2)
This move allows Kratos to run forward and strike enemies, launching them into the air.
Hermes Dash - (Right Analog Stick while airborne)
The boots will allow you to dodge enemy attacks quickly using the power of the Gods!
Boots of Hermes – Upgraded Abilities
-Increased Damage – The Boots of Hermes inflict additional damage (100% fiery attack)
Hermes Jest – (Hold X and L2)
This move allows Kratos to run forward and strike multiple monsters. Kratos will also create a fiery trail that causes damage to airborne enemies.
Head of Helios – Primary Abilities [HOH]
Solar Beam – (L2)
Kratos can aim the decapitated Head of Helios in front of him and hold L2 to create a lantern that will illuminate darkened areas and reveal secret passageways. The beam of light can be moved using the Right Analog Stick.
Solar Flash – (Triangle and L2)
Temporarily stuns an enemy using a flash from the Head.
Solar Flare – (Hold Triangle and L2)
Temporarily stuns groups of enemies with a wide arc of light.
Head of Helios – Upgraded Abilities
-Increased Damage – The Head of Helios inflicts additional damage (300% damage)
Nemean Cestus – Primary Abilities [NEMC]
Ferocious Bite – (Circle and L1)
One of the Nemean Cestus lion heads flies out to snag an enemy and pull him back to Kratos. Kratos will then attack the enemy with the other fist. This attack can also be unleashed while airborne.
Nemean Roar – (R2)
Kratos can cause a wave of damage after slamming into the ground with the Cestus using this attack.
Augean Stampede – (Hold Square)
Kratos will lunch forward unleashing a punishing array of strikes. This attack can also be unleashed while airborne.
Brutal Ascension – (Hold Triangle)
Kratos can knock enemies into the air while holding the Triangle button.
Triumphant Labor – (Square, Square, Square)
Kratos will inflict a quick series of strikes on an enemy.
Erymanthion Rag – (Triangle, Triangle)
This one-two punch ends on a fiery note. Quick and easy combo.
Nemean Cestus – Upgraded Abilities
-Red Orbs Required – 3,000
-Increased Damage – The Nemean Cestus will inflict additional damage (120% damage)
Vicious Maul – (Square and L1)
Kratos will spin a circle with the Nemean Cestus extended on chains. This is effective when surrounded by enemies. This attack can also be unleashed while airborne.
Nemean Cestus – 2nd Upgraded Abilities
-Red Orbs Required – 5,000
-Increased Damage – The Nemean Cestus will inflict additional damage (210% damage)
Savage Charge – (Right Analog Stick and Triangle)
While dodging an attack, tap Triangle to launch the Cestus toward an enemy.
Nemean Cestus – 3rd Upgraded Abilities
-Red Orbs Required – 5,000
-Increased Damage – The Nemean Cestus will inflict additional damage (300% damage)
Crushing Strike – (Triangle and L1)
Kratos will launch the lion heads in two directions and swing them together striking all enemies in front of Kratos in a frontal conal ability. This attack can also be unleashed while airborne.
Nemean Cestus – 4th Upgraded Abilities
-Red Orbs Required – 8,000
-Increased Damage - The Nemean Cestus will inflict additional damage (500% damage)
Nemean Roar – (R2)
Kratos can cause a wave of damage after slamming into the ground with the Cestus using this attack.
Nemesis Whip – Primary Abilities [NEMW]
Furious Contempt – (Square, Square, Square, Square, Square)
Area attack that allows Kratos to inflict strikes on groups of enemies around him.
Righteous Ascension – (Hold Triangle)
Kratos will strike enemies causing them to become airborne. Your blades will then inflict punishing attacks.
Righteous Tirade – (Hold Square)
Kratos will extend the Nemesis Whip before him and allow the weapon to rotate quickly, ravaging incoming enemies.
Surging Lash – (Circle and L1)
A basic attack that allows Kratos to inflict electric damage on an enemy. This attack can also be unleashed while airborne.
Nemesis Rage – (R2)
Kratos can call down a strong electrical surge that strikes surrounding monsters.
Nemesis Whip – Upgraded Abilities
-Red Orbs Required – 3,000
-Increased Damage – The Nemesis Whip inflicts additional damage (110% damage)
Righteous Ascension – (Hold Triangle)
Kratos will strike enemies causing them to become airborne. Your blades will then inflict punishing attacks. The upgraded version of this attack increases the length of the duration of the attack.
Righteous Tirade – (Hold Square)
Kratos will extend the Nemesis Whip before him and allow the weapon to rotate quickly, ravaging incoming enemies. The upgraded version of this attack increases the length of the duration of the attack.
Severe Judgment – (Square and L1)
Kratos can unleash the whip to launch enemies into the sky. This attack can also be unleashed while airborne.
Nemesis Whip – 2nd Upgraded Abilities
-Red Orbs Required – 5,000
-Increased Damage – The Nemesis Whip inflicts additional damage (120% damage)
Righteous Ascension – (Hold Triangle)
Kratos will strike enemies causing them to become airborne. Your blades will then inflict punishing attacks. The upgraded version of this attack increases the length of the duration of the attack.
Righteous Tirade – (Hold Square)
Kratos will extend the Nemesis Whip before him and allow the weapon to rotate quickly, ravaging incoming enemies. The upgraded version of this attack increases the length of the duration of the attack.
Avenging Strike – (Right Analog Stick and Triangle)
After dodging an attack, Kratos can attack using this move to spin and strike surrounding enemies.
Nemesis Rage – (R2)
Kratos can call down a stronger electrical surge that strikes surrounding monsters.
Nemesis Whip – 3rd Upgraded Abilities
-Red Orbs Required – 5,000
-Increased Damage – The Nemesis Whip inflicts additional damage (130% damage)
Righteous Ascension – (Hold Triangle)
Kratos will strike enemies causing them to become airborne. Your blades will then inflict punishing attacks. The upgraded version of this attack increases the length of the duration of the attack.
Righteous Tirade – (Hold Square)
Kratos will extend the Nemesis Whip before him and allow the weapon to rotate quickly, ravaging incoming enemies. The upgraded version of this attack increases the length of the duration of the attack.

Deadly Reprisal – (Triangle and L1)
Kratos will launch ahead and strike all oncoming enemies. This attack can also be unleashed while airborne.
Nemesis Whip – 4th Upgraded Abilities
-Red Orbs Required – 8,000
-Increased Damage – The Nemesis Whip inflicts additional damage (140% damage)
Nemesis Rage – (R2)
Kratos can call down a stronger electrical surge that strikes surrounding monsters.
Righteous Ascension – (Hold Triangle)
Kratos will strike enemies causing them to become airborne. Your blades will then inflict punishing attacks. The upgraded version of this attack increases the length of the duration of the attack.
Righteous Tirade – (Hold Square)
Kratos will extend the Nemesis Whip before him and allow the weapon to rotate quickly, ravaging incoming enemies. The upgraded version of this attack increases the length of the duration of the attack.
Walkthrough [WLK]
The opening cut scene animation describes the past successes of Kratos. Kratos is the new God of War but is haunted by the visions of the death of his mortal family.
Gaia [GAIA]
Zeus opens the game by seeking the assistance of his fellow Gods of Olympus to push back the growing threat posed by Kratos and the Titans. The Titans have been released and have begun climbing Mt. Olympus to destroy Zeus. The Gods release a number of monsters that Kratos must overcome as he rides on the back of Gaia as she climbs the mountain.
The opening task allows a player who may be new to the God of War franchise the opportunity to learn basic game play functions. If you are a veteran player of the series, the first task also allows you to become re-accustomed to the various abilities that a fully empowered Kratos possesses.
In the event this is your first time playing one of the God of War games, you will want to test out different attacks. The game rewards lengthy combo attacks to build rage and acquire Red Orbs. The longer your combos go, the more damage you do to your enemies and the greater rewards you achieve.
Once you gain control of Kratos, a number of sentries will be sent to you from different directions. Kratos has a number of area effect abilities that he can use against multiple enemies. Feel free to turn Kratos in multiple directions to strike as many sentries as possible as you get a feel for how the game play works.
Sentries will attack in groups and should be dispatched with your basic abilities using the Blades of Athena that are granted to you at the beginning of the game. These blades are the most powerful blades in Kratos’ arsenal. Once the group of sentries is defeated, a cut scene will follow. Defeat the next group of enemies that spawns with your blades. You should also be collecting red orbs that will be used later on to upgrade weapons and abilities.
As you proceed, you will see a downed tree. Press R1 to interact with the fallen tree and begin lifting the tree by pressing Circle repeatedly to remove the tree from your path. This method of removing objects and/or opening doors will be used repeatedly throughout the game. Before you will be three additional soldiers. Once defeated, the Leviathan will appear.
The Leviathan [TLV]
Poseidon has summoned a large creature that looks like a hybrid between a horse and a sea creature. The Leviathan possesses a breath attack that it will use against Kratos. Kratos will need to attack the Leviathan’s body directly. Focus on using long combos to inflict as much damage as possible. Continue to avoid the breath attack that comes intermittently. You will be able to tell when the Leviathan is about to perform its breath attack as its movement will slow and its head will tilt. Once enough damage is inflicted, you will see a short cut scene.
Your fighting perspective will change and you will need to perform a ceiling climb to continue to fight the Leviathan. The game should provide direction on how to climb onto the Leviathan. Try to continue to inflict damage while dodging the Leviathan’s attacks with its crab legs. Once again, your view will change and Kratos will move up toward the Leviathan. Continue to attack it as you climb the monster.
You will return to a basic ground level view where you can continue your assault on the Leviathan. It will attack with the claws on its left side and you will need to dodge these attacks or block them. Use your strongest attacks that end with the Triangle to inflict as much damage as possible. You may also wish to use a variety of your magic attacks; however, your magic meter will only allow a certain number of attacks before your magic power is depleted.
Once enough damage has been dealt, a flaming Circle will appear above the Leviathan’s head. Once this notification appears, you must hit Circle and you will swing onto the creature’s head. This will begin a short series of keys that must be pressed when prompted in order to defeat the creature. These key prompts change each time so you will need to have a quick reaction time in order to press the appropriate controller keys at the right moment. The notifications will appear on the side of the screen that matches their layout on your controller. Should you react quickly enough to match the key prompts, you will be rewarded with a cut scene.
Mount Olympus [MTO]
Climb across the vines on the right hand side of the screen using your left analog controller. As you climb the vines, Kratos will lean into gaps in the wall. When Kratos leans, tap the X key to jump across the gap to the next area. Climb along the left side until you reach the top ledge. Tapping the X key once again will allow Kratos to pull himself onto the ledge.
In front of Kratos will be a Red Orb Chest. Opening the chest will reward Kratos with additional Red Orbs. Head toward the ledge and Kratos will walk along the ledge of the mountain. As the background action continues, you will reach the other side and find additional sentries. You can quickly dispatch this group.
Kratos will then need to jump onto the higher ledge until he reaches a ladder on the wall. This ladder will then reach another area of vines that Kratos can climb. Once Kratos reaches the ledge, additional sentries will be waiting for a fight. Use your abilities and combos to continuously deal damage to the group. Should you wish to look up additional abilities and combo, press the menu button to look up your current abilities.
Once you defeat this group of enemies, you should open the Green Orb Chest on the left side of the platform. These chests will help fill your health meter. Then move and jump onto the platform. The pedestal bears writing that you may wish to inspect.The game should point out a grappling hook. Move forward close enough until the game prompts you with the R1 button message. Tap the R1 button and hold it to swing on the hook. When you have reached the end of your forward swing, tap the jump key and double jump to the platform.
You will see a new group of enemies that will need to be defeated. The archers behind the melee group in front of you should be shot first. Once you defeat the group, look for the next set of vines.
Climb along the vines and move to the left. Tap the X key to jump Kratos to the next ledge. As the background fighting continues, move along the left ledge and tap X to pull Kratos up into a standing position on the ledge. When you reach the end of this ledge, Kratos should begin climbing the wall. Flip onto the wall nearby and continue your climb. Kratos will eventually reach the next ledge.
As a short cut scene follows, Kratos should move across the bridge. As you move toward the bridge it will crumble. At this point, you will need to use your Icarus Glide ability that can be triggered by double tapping the X key and then holding that button to glide. The Icarus Wings will appear to carry you across the opening. Should you wish to collect additional Red Orbs, drop into the pit to find another chest. After opening the chest, climb out and head back up to glide across the opening.
Should you be low on health or magic power, there are both a Green and Blue Orb chest that can be used. Enter the building in front of Kratos. As you get close to the door, you can press the R1 key to interact with the door. Tap the Circle key to open it and enter the room.
A Centaur will spawn in front of Kratos. While you have only been fighting basic sentries before this point, Centaurs require some additional maneuvering to defeat. The Centaur will use predictably timed attacks, so practice on this Centaur to see how they work. You can continue to attack the Centaur using various combos in your arsenal until it hits back at you. You can block this attack when it comes. The Centaur can also attack you with his spear. If you are far enough away, a notification for you to rotate your Left Analog Stick will appear. Rotate your Left Analog Stick in the direction that appears on the game. If you perform it in time, Kratos will complete a counter attack on the Centaur. There will be a number of Centaurs throughout the game so you will have plenty of practice.
Additional sentries will appear and you will need to combat both the Centaur and the soldiers. Focus mainly on the Centaur while keeping the sentries at bay with area attacks or with your magic abilities. If you use area abilities you may be able to strike the enemies at once. Once you get the Centaur’s health down, a grab notification will appear to begin the timed event where you will need to hit the key notifications as they appear to dispatch the Centaur for good. This may be a quicker way for you to defeat the Centaur than merely trying to damage him down directly.
Once the enemies have been defeated, you will need to move Kratos to the lever that is shining. Interact with the lever that will move a platform to the right. Run over to the platform and climb the ladder. Climb onto the platform that will then move you to the next location. Jump to the next ledge.
A Red Orb Chest will appear in front of you. There is also a save point. Open the chest and save your game. You will then move into the next door until you reach a gate ahead of you. Interact with the gate. Gaia will call out to you to move faster. When you raise the gate, a beat will strike out at you. Hit the Circle key to counter its attacks and ride it.
Leviathan Part Two [LP2]
You will again face the Leviathan. The fight will feel familiar as the one before and he will again use his breath attacks and crab claw abilities. Use your Right Analog Stick to dodge his incoming attacks. The Leviathan may move its head back and strike down hard on the area in front of you.
Attack the Leviathan’s chest using combo attacks. Unload large magic attacks while standing close to his chest to do more damage. As you attack the creature, it will eventually be weakened and you will be notified that you can tap the Circle key to begin the random cutaway event. Press the keys in order and you will the need to tap the Circle key. You will then be transported back to begin the fight cycle again.
Continue attacking the Leviathan while dodging his heavy attacks. Using combos and magic attacks, you can continue to bring down the Leviathan’s health. After the cutaway event, you will have gained some magic power so you should have enough to continue attacking him with your heavy attacks.
Once weakened, the game will notify you that another cutaway event will occur. Press the R1 and L1 keys at the same time repeatedly to open the Leviathan’s chest. The game will point the way to a crab claw that was ripped off earlier. Press R1 to interact with the claw to defeat the Leviathan.
Heart of Gaia [HOGA]
Kratos will climb onto Gaia onto a patch of ground. Kratos will drop inside Gaia. Move forward against the wall near the open door. Move Kratos through the opening into the chamber. You will see a vine wall that you will need to climb. Once you reach the ceiling, grapple along the ceiling to the next wall. Climb down the wall to reach the platform. Using your Icarus Glide, glide across the opening. You will then reach the Heart of Gaia.
The Heart will be shielded by shining blue rocks. The game will draw your attention to the wall on the right side of the room. You can pull out a part of the wall but you should keep that portion in place for the time being.
Move along to the left wall and find an area with vines. Kratos should climb this wall, move to the right, and continue climbing. Once you reach a platform in this area, you will see a shining object. Inspect this object to obtain Zeus’ Eagle. This object is known as Godly possession of which there are 10 in the game. Each artifact, located in hidden spots throughout the plot, provides Kratos with bonus abilities when the game is replayed. Please note, however, that these artifacts will only work on the same difficulty level should you replay the game again. Zeus’ Eagle provides Kratos with unlimited Rage of Sparta. Once you defeat the game, Zeus’ Eagle will be unlocked for your use on subsequent attempts of the game.
Drop down to the chamber floor and pull out the area of the wall on the right side. Pull this section to the other side of the room. Using your Right Analog Stick, you can rotate the piece of the wall. Push the section back into the left wall. Kratos should then climb along the vines to the left. Move up, over to the right, and up again. Jump the gap and tap R1 to attack to the grabbling hook. Swing across the gap to the next wall. Tap X twice to perform a double jump and climb the vines.
The game will then provide a tutorial for the Battering Ram ability. Kratos can tap Circle to grab an enemy, and then tap Square. Kratos will then use the grabbed enemy to run through the room and defeat your enemies by running through them. Defeat the next group of soldiers using this technique.
Move Kratos to the corner to reach the vine wall. Move to the right and jump the gap when his body leans. Reach the next platform and tap R1 to connect with the grappling hook. Kratos will reach a vine wall. Climb the wall and attack the enemies that appear. Once you cannot proceed, jump and tap R1 to grapple out of Gaia and onto her head. A cut scene follows which leads to you to your first boss fight – Poseidon.
Poseidon [POSD]
The Poseidon fight takes place in three phases. Kratos must first remove the Leviathan claws from Gaia. Proceed with striking the claws repeatedly. As you attack the pieces of Leviathan claws, Poseidon will begin to attack you. He will first attack you with his Leviathan legs. Dodge these attacks using your Right Analog Stick.
Poseidon will also attack you with lightning strikes. A small light should appear on the surface of Gaia’s head. You will need extremely fast reaction time to dodge these lighting strikes. Do not concern yourself with lengthy combo moves, as you will need to be able to move at a moment’s notice. Once the ground lights up, evade the attack by dodging out of the way.
As you attack the Leviathan claws, they will become dislodged from Gaia’s head. As you defeat each claw, Gaia will reach out and grab Poseidon. Tap R1 once the grapple hook appears on Gaia’s hand. Kratos will fly across the screen and Phase 2 begins.
As Gaia pins Poseidon down, he will have a number of new attacks. Using his trident, Poseidon will strike down onto the ground and cause an electrical burst. Jump away to dodge this attack. He will also strike down with his fist. You may not be able to dodge or block this attack. He may also swipe across the screen toward Kratos, knocking him back.
Continue to attack throughout Phase 2. Dodge his incoming attacks and or use a magic attack right before Poseidon slams his fist down. This may deflect his attack and continue to damage Poseidon. Use combo attacks to weaken Poseidon until the grab notification appears on the screen. Move to the nearby vines on one of Gaia’s finger. Once on the finger, grab Poseidon and begin the cutaway event. You will need to press the keys in order and then tap the Circle key repeatedly. Hit the final key to complete the event.
Kratos will then be put back into the first phase and you will need to begin attacking the Leviathan claws once more. You will still need to dodge the incoming attacks by Poseidon’s claws and lightning attacks. The lightning attacks will change; however, and they will move from the side of Gaia’s head to the other side. Lightning bolts will also strike down and you should dodge or evade them using your Right Analog Stick. You may need a bit of practice to dodge these lightning bolts. Once you finish attacking the claws, Kratos will move to the third and final phase.
A cut scene will then move Kratos and Poseidon to a nearby platform. This final phase is one of the most intense fight endings in the franchise. A cutaway event will happen and you will need to press the controller keys in the order on the scene. At the end of the combo, strike the R3 and L3 keys at the same time and finish off Poseidon will then be thrown off Mt. Olympus and you can revel in the glory of that epic takedown.
Another cut scene follows and you wake up at the River Styx.
River Styx [TRSY]

Proceed to swim through the water of the river. As you swim, various beings will grab Kratos and begin to strip away his powers. As in previous games, Kratos will lose a good majority of his powers through this process. As you lose your magic and health, Kratos will eventually have the option of exiting the river.
After moving forward, a cut scene will happen. Kratos will then receive the Blades of Exile.
The Underworld [TUW]
Kratos will move along the road and come to a pit. Swing across using R1 to attach to the grappling hook. Swing across but drop down to the ledge under the taller platform ahead. Dispatch the enemies here and open the Red Orb Chests that are down there. Destroy the urns for more Orbs. Move around the side of the ledge and open the larger chest. This chest will contain a Gorgon Eye. As you collect these items in groups of three, you will be able to lengthen your life bar.
Hop onto the pillar and defeat the waiting enemies. Now that your powers have been drained, you need become accustomed to a lack of combos and abilities that you used to defeat Poseidon. The game will also explain the Hyperion Ram. This ability lets Kratos pull himself toward the enemy and continue fighting.
Take the bridge to the left, as the bridge to the right is currently unavailable. Destroy the enemies in the hallway until you come to another fork in the road. Head to your left and press R1 to connect to the grappling hook. Destroy the enemies here and open the four Red Orb chests. Return across the pit and move to the right path. Tap X to jump to the next platform. If you needed health, a Green Orb chest is on the way. Once you land on the platform, you should hear Hades speak to you.
Kratos will begin fighting using a new ability, the Army of Sparta. This magic ability, triggered using the R2 key, will result in a group of soldiers to fall down around you and hit enemies around you. During this fight, you can use this ability repeatedly as your magic bar will regain magic power.
Move toward the right part of the platform and grab onto the chain there by tapping X. Move across the area, tapping the X key to move more quickly. As enemies spawn in front of you, the game will explain how to defeat them. If the enemies nab you, use the Left Analog Stick by pushing it back and forth to break out of the holds.
Once you reach the next platform, destroy the urns and open the chests to gain red and blue orbs. Inspect the piece of paper on the floor. Move down the corridor once complete. Fall down into the pit and move toward the camera point of view to discover two Red Orb Chests. Move toward the opposite end and open the door.
A Gorgon will go after Kratos as soon as he enters the room. The Gorgon will trap Kratos with its tail. Tap the R1 and L1 keys to escape. Weaken the Gorgon with attacks and combos until a cutaway event happens. Press the correct controller buttons and then tap the Circle button. If you are too slow, the Gorgon will escape you.
Once you defeat the first Gorgon, a second one will spawn with additional soldiers. Continue to attack the Gorgon. Remember to use your combos and your new magic spell using R2. Destroy the Gorgon using the cutaway event and tapping the Circle button. Now that the chamber is empty, leave out the other door.
Follow the road until you come to a pit. Fall into the pit and find another two Red Orb Chests near the camera. Pull yourself out and move along the road. Open the chests to gain back magic and health. Once you reach the blocked path by bushes, head left to move into the next chamber.
Here, you will meet Peirithous who will promise to give something valuable to Kratos if he frees him. To solve the puzzle, Kratos should climb the rocks pinning Peirithous and reach the higher platform. You should fall onto the fire basket to bring it down and open the gate on the wall.
Tap X and glide to the opening on the wall to the left. Kratos should grab onto the ledge. Once you pull yourself onto the ledge, look for a pot of the dried bramble. Interact with the urn of the bramble and push it down through the small opening. The bramble will drop to the floor below. The dog will set the bramble on fire by breathing on it. Interact with the urn and push it as close to the Cerberus dog as possible to set it on fire. Once on fire, it will make an Icarus Vent.
Move back to the area with Peirithous and move up to the fire switch to drag it down. With the gate open, move to the Icarus Vent and tap X and hold it to activate your Icarus Wings. The vent will push Kratos higher to reach the higher platform. Activate the lever and let the dog out of the cage.
Fall down to defeat the Cerberus dog. Use your combo attacks and magic attacks to take him out. After bringing the health of the dog down, grab the dog. Tap both Triangle and Square to use the dog’s abilities to destroy the soldiers walking toward Peirithous. Tap the Triangle button as you get close to Peirithous to release him.
Peirithous was guarding a nice item, the Bow of Apollo. This bow provides an ability to attack targets from far away. In order to increase the damage dealt, tap and hold Square to shoot a stronger arrow. New enemies will spawn and you will need to take them out with the Bow of Apollo. If your aim is good, you can shoot a charged arrow from the Bow and hit both archers.
Once you defeat all the enemies, shoot the dried bramble located in the corner and set it on fire. Go back to the bramble urn from earlier and move it to the left side of the room. Fly onto the vent by tapping and holding X to let the vent raise Kratos higher. Now fly into the room you just opened. In the opening, there will be a Red Orb Chest and another chest with a Phoenix Feather. Collecting three phoenix feathers will increase your magic power.
Leave the chamber and go back along the way you came, crossing the bridge. At the split where you previously went left, burn the branches to move past them. As you move forward, you will see additional enemies. If you are low on health or magic, use the Blue and Green chests. Burn the bramble in the middle of them to open another chest with a Minotaur Horn. Collecting three horns will allow the greater use of your Bow of Apollo.
Move to the left and tap X to reach the ledge. Destroy the urns to nab additional Red Orbs. As you move into the following chamber, harpies will spawn. Feel free to use your new bow to dispatch them. Destroy the worshipping souls. Then use your Icarus Wings to glide across the pit to the opposite ledge. Open the chest and move along the wall to pass the pit. Move along the walls and climb where necessary. You may need to move lower down to move past the barriers. You will approach a waterfall. When you approach the top, move left and pull yourself up. Tap X to jump the break and reach another chest containing a Gorgon Eye. Jump back to the right.
Tap X to grab onto the vines on the ceiling when you climb to the top of the wall. Move along the ceiling and tap R1 to fall down onto the platform under you. Activate your Icarus Wings to fly to the pillar in front of you. Grab the vines and move upward and you should be able to survey the environment around you.
Judges of the Underworld [JOU]
If you are low on health, open the Green Orb Chest. Tap R1 to jump to the grappling hook. Tap X and hold it to glide down to the next area. Head down the staircase and you will find yourself in an area with torches. Move to the far left area of the screen. Once you see the broken staircase, tap X and jump the pit. Keep moving left and open the two Red Orb Chest and the Gorgon Eye chest.
Move back to the main area and stand on the small platform in the center. Tap R1 to read the inscription. Move toward the altar where you will start three trials in order to move forward.
Trial 1: The Condemned
During this trial, you will need to defeat the enemies including the hands of Hades that will attempt to change the enemies into souls. When the hands of Hades appear, attack them and then attack the people. Once they are defeated, head back to the altar area for the second trial.
Trial 2: The Lost
During this trial, you should attempt to destroy the enemies while trying to keep the souls from reaching the fire. Should the souls reach the fire, they will be converted into soldiers of Hades. A Minotaur will also be present and is harder to take down. Focus on keeping the souls from reaching the fire, but take down the Minotaur with area effect and combos. Another Minotaur will show up that you will need to defeat. Your Army of Sparta ability can also be used to take down the Minotaur.
Trial 3: The Chosen
During this trial, you will need to begin by taking on the Gorgon. As the Harpies spawn, try and take them down with area effect spells but your first objective should be to defeat the Gorgon as quickly as possible. Once the Gorgon is defeated, move on to the multiple Minotaurs. Try avoid getting hit as the multiple Minotaurs can take you down quickly if you aren’t careful. Your magic abilities can also be helpful here if you have enough power.
After you defeat the enemies, you will need to stand on the platform in the center of the room. The judges will open a doorway to the left of the room. Move into the room and interact with the chests inside. Once the chests are open, move into the blue portal. After exiting the other portal, move right and destroy the urns.
Move forward down the road. Two Minotaurs will head down the tunnel toward you. In the tunnel, there are two containers of oil. Aim the Bow of Apollo at the containers that will explode and nearly kill the Minotaurs. After the containers explode, continue shooting arrows at the Minotaurs to take them down further. Defeat the Minotaurs with combos when they arrive.
As you move through the tunnel, take a right when you leave it. Enter the portal. Through the portal there will be another chest with a Minotaur Horn in it. Activate the lever nearby. Go back through the portal.
Move forward and destroy the urns around you. Tap X to jump and activate your Icarus Wings to glide over the pit to the Red Orb Chest. Jump again to reach the ledge close by and move left to reach the next cut scene.
Move forward across the chain and then fall down below the chain. There are is a vined wall that you should move down. Once on the lower level, destroy the urns and move into the next tunnel. There is a note you can inspect and destroy additional urns. Move through the tunnel and break the urns in the next area. Once through the tunnel, destroy the enemies. These enemies have an ability where they explode when you kill them. There are additional oil containers nearby that you can shoot with your Bow of Apollo to deal ranged damage to them. After you defeat the enemies, destroy the urns and grab the Red Orb Chest to the left of the screen.
A Blue Orb Chest and Green Orb Chest will be in the following area. You should use the Bow of Apollo to set the dried brambles on fire. This will make a new big Icarus Vent. Run into the vent and tap and hold X to activate your Icarus Wings to rise up to the next platform.
On the platform above, two more enemies will attack you. Use the grappling hook and the Bow of Apollo to take down the enemies. Once they are destroyed, interact and pull the lever close by. You should quickly turn and reach the platform that is now rising up.
Once you reach the next higher level, you will need to pull one of the urns on the left side of the platform. Three additional enemies will attack you. Set the urn on fire and use it against them. Destroy the soldiers and pull a new urn away from the wall. Push the urn to the right of the platform near the elevator. Drop the urn off temporarily then glide down to the level below.
Activate the lever and ride up to the next level. Grab the urn and pull it onto the lever. The elevator will move down to the lower level where two additional enemies will attack you. Destroy the enemies and then push it toward the back wall. Push the urn down through the opening where you originally arrived by gliding up with your wings.
The Icarus Vent will now be stronger and you will need to activate your Icarus Wings to fly up to the higher platform. After grabbing the platform, you will begin to pull it down. Move Kratos in the direction of the camera and he will jump onto the closer side and pull yourself on top. At this point, you should open the door in the wall. In this hidden room, there will be a number of hands of Hades that you should destroy with your Blades of Exile. In addition to the red orbs you get from defeating the enemies, open the Phoenix Feather chest and the Red Orb chest.
After leaving the hidden room, activate your Icarus Wings and jump back into the Icarus Vent. Ride the Icarus Vent all the way to the top of the shaft. Go through the door into a tunnel into the next room. Open the blue orb chest and green orb chest to refill Kratos. Climb up the stairs and move to the right side of the room to open a Red Orb Chest. After opening the chest head back left.
A new type of monster will spawn from the statues carrying hammers. Their hammers hit hard so work on pressing the block key right before they hit you in order to counter their attacks. Weaken them using your powerful combos and magic abilities until you receive the notification for a cutaway event in order to take them down for good.
Once the zombie enemies come out, destroy them. Another hammer-wielding statue monster will appear which you will need to take out. As he dies, be sure to destroy the urns and move to the left of the room.
Move down the staircase and slide into the opening. Activate your Icarus Wings to glide across the opening toward the ledge holding the Green Orb Chest. Open the chest and move through the tunnel. In the next room, destroy the urns and walk up the staircase.
The Forge [TFO]
A short cut scene will play as you enter the room with Hephaestus. Move around the right side of the room and save your game at the save point. Destroy the urns and pull the lever to allow the gate to open near the staircase. Also move to the left side of the room to see the opening with Hades’ writing on it.
Head down the staircase you walked up to find Hephaestus and walk through the door with the gate. This door will take you to the next room that has a circulating platform that can be rotated by using the lever in the center of the platform. Hold down R1 to grip the crank and rotate your Right Analog Stick. Line up the platform with the right ledge. Move Kratos down this road.
As you move down the path, you will come to an area with a number of Cerberus dogs. If you aren’t careful, a number of the dogs can hold onto Kratos causing a lot of damage. Use area combos to clear the room or your magic abilities to deal damage to the dogs. Once the dogs are destroyed, open two Red Orb Chests on each side of the room. After opening the chests, Kratos should return to the room with the rotating platform.
Move toward the crank and rotate the platform to align with the branches near the rear of the room. Use your bow of Apollo to open the doorway. Move forward toward the chest that alternates between health and magic. Open it for whichever aspect of Kratos you need to regenerate. Destroy the urns and move along the path until the cut scene begins.
After the cut scene, you will now possess the Blade of Olympus. By clicking R3 and L3 you can activate the Rage of Sparta and take out all the enemies in the room. Fall down to the platform below and open any chests that remain. Tap R1 to jump on the grappling hooks and swing back near the starting point into Hades. As you move back toward the platform, you will see two dogs that will need to be killed.
During this challenging fight, Kratos should not attempt to fight both dogs at once. You should fight one down as fast as possible. The large dogs will have a fire attack that you should use your Right Analog Stick to dodge. The dogs will also use a strong charge against Kratos. After weakening the dog, you will have a cutaway event to decapitate the dog. Time the key taps correctly to finish them off. Once one dog dies, you will be healed by some of the orbs that fly out upon death. Use this extra health to then take down the second dog. They are easier to fight on their own.
Once the dogs are dead, you should use the Bow of Apollo to set fire to the dried vines. Activate the door and tap C to open it and enter the next room. Dispatch the enemies that spawn. Once they are dead, and regenerate your health or magic – whichever you need more.
Palace of Hades [POH]
Move into the room and head right. Walk into the small doorway and break the wooden scaffolds and the urns for additional Red Orbs. Should you need health, open the Green Orb Chest. Move toward the rock cart and grab it with Kratos. Pull the cart out into the main chamber.
Pull the cart to the left side of the chamber near the large wheel. You will be faced with waves of Harpies that you will need to take out with your grabbing charge ability or with your Bow of Apollo.
Once the Harpies are dead, turn the wheel that will open a door above. The wheel will remain in place for a short time and then will begin turning again. While the gate is open, move the rock cart under the wheel to keep it in place.
Kratos should move to the center of the chamber and climb the tree. At the top of the tree, jump and glide toward the right platform. Head through the door that you opened by propping the rock cart below the wheel. In this room, you will see some Cerberus dogs and Minotaurs. Using your area magic spell, the Army of Sparta, will help with both the Minotaurs and the dogs. You can also use the option of grabbing the dogs and Kratos will kick one at the Minotaurs. Once the enemies are defeated, you can then open the Blue Orb Chest to refill your magic meter.
Head right up the path and walk down the tunnel to the next room. Turn the crank to lift Persephone’s casket. There are a number of chests and urns that should be opened. To the right of the room, open the Red Orb Chests. Move to the far left of the room where there are urns you can destroy next to a ladder. Head up the ladder and open the Red Orb Chests at the top and destroy the urns. There is also a Phoenix Feather chest to the right of the Red Orb Chest. Open it and upgrade your magic meter.
Move back toward the center room. In order to enter Hades’ sanctuary, you will need to enter the statue. You will need to use the casket of Persephone in order to break your way into the statue. Climb up to the platform and interact with the casket to see how it works. Hades’ arms will stop the casket from doing any damage, but two new ladders will appear on either side of the room.
Moving the casket will spawn a number of soldiers and Harpies. Use your arrows to take out the harpies while your blades take care of the walking soldiers. Once you clear the room, move to the left side of the chamber and head up the ladder.
In order for Persephone’s casket to allow you entrance into Hades’ chamber, you will need to pull Hades’ arms away and bind them to the walls. Once you head up the ladder on the left, search for a lever near the corner of the platform. Pull the lever and the platform should lower you down. Open the gate downstairs and snag the rock cart that had previously been holding the wheel in place.
When you remove the cart, Harpies will spawn which you can take out with the Bow of Apollo or area attacks. Once the Harpies are defeated, move the cart into your now opened room and place it on the elevator. Once the cart is loaded, ride it back up the elevator. Place the cart close to the wheel and head back into the chamber.
Walk toward the statue and turn the crank. If you look up, you will see that the cuffs on the walls are now open for a short period of time. Run back up the ladder on the left side of the room and activate the wheel. The arm will then be trapped inside the cuff. Push the rock cart under the wheel to keep the arm in place.
Head back to the switch near the statue and activate it, opening the cuffs on the wall. By pushing the rock cart under the wheel, the arm will not move out of place. Run to the right side of the room and climb the ladder there. Turn the wheel on the top of the platform that will move the arm into place. Now, both arms should be locked in the cuffs on the wall. The puzzle is solved!
Destroy the urns and open the chests on the platform. Go back to the main chamber and move toward Persephone’s casket. Send it flying and break the statue. You are now prepared to face Hades.
Hades [HDS]
Prior to facing Hades, you may wish to upgrade some of your current weapons and abilities. Remember those Red Orbs you’ve been collecting? This is the currency that is used to upgrade your weapons. Enter your menu and begin by upgrading your main weapon, the Blades of Exile. Should you have additional orbs, you should also upgrade your Bow of Apollo.
Hades has a nice set of weapons called the Claws of Hades. He uses these claws to dig into the flesh of his victims and tear their soul out. You will find out quickly when Hades sends his claws at you, nearly stripping you of your soul! Tap R1 and L1 to stop him.
Hades can attack over a long distance using his Claws. He will open the fight by slamming the claws into the ground repeatedly. You may find yourself dodging his attacks more than attacking him while you get down the timing of his attacks. Hades also has a foot stomping ability that is easy to see and avoid as he takes a short moment before using it. Use your Right Analog Stick to avoid the stomp.
Begin using your Blades of Exile in conjunction with some of the combo attacks to begin damaging Hades. Dodging his attacks will keep you in the fight longer so that you can continue to whittle down his health. As you damage Hades, feel free to also use your magic ability in close quarters. Once you’ve brought him down far enough in health, he will move to the back of the chamber and use his claws to sweep across the floor toward you. This attack is easily avoidable by timing your jumps correctly. Move toward Hades as you jump over the claws and continue attacking him.
After sufficient damage has been dealt, a cutaway event will be presented to you. Grab onto him and slam down the Circle key to steal a piece of his body. Once you’ve taken the piece of him, he will attempt to bring it back to him and the hands of Hades will spawn. Focus all of your attacks on the piece of flesh so that he does not get it back. If you are successful in destroying the body, you will move the fight forward. Hades is now enraged at the loss of that piece and grows in size.
Hades gains a new ability after you destroy the flesh. The entire floor of the arena will grow dark until a small area of the ground opens as a safe area. Run to this safe area as this will be the only place to protect you from the chains that ravage the chamber. Hades will come back to fight you and now you can begin to do more damage to him. Keep moving and attempt to avoid his attack using his Claws of Hades. Once you do more damage, he goes back to the back of the arena.
He will attempt to shoot his claws directly at you so evade the claws by moving to the sides. Attempt to land a few combos in order to drop him even further. If he grabs you, he may throw you away to the other side of the chamber. Run back to him and continue to do damage while dodging his attacks. Once you weaken him again, you will enter a cutaway event to remove another piece of his body. Attack the piece of body to prevent it from getting back to him. Run to the safe area as another chain attack is coming.
If you are still alive through the second chain wave, the fight is nearly ready to enter the last phase. Hades gains a new ability and begins to summon Claws to jump up from the floor below. You can avoid these with little trouble by staying on the move. When he finishes summoning the jumping hands, you should have enough time to continue to attack him and weaken him for another cutaway event.
The last phase of the fight involves you pulling Hades into the River Styx. Continue to attack Hades, weakening him. Hades will pull Kratos while you attempt to attack him. Use the Right Analog Stick to dodge the incoming attacks. There will be short periods of downtime between attack waves where you can hit Hades directly. Hold back on the Left Analog Stick to avoid being pulled into the River Styx yourself. Should you be pulled into the river, tap the Circle key to haul yourself out of the water. Once he is weakened enough, a Circle notification will pop up. Tap the key and grab Hades to finish him off when the game tells you.
After defeating Hades, you will be awarded his signature weapon – the Claws of Hades. A few waves of souls will be summoned. Use the Claws of Hades on them to dispatch them. In a few moments, Hades will reappear form the river. Hades will be back for one last round and will begin to use his fists to slam the ground or he will swipe across the floor of the arena. Dodge the attacks and move to the sides of the room and use the R1 key jump on the grappling hooks to the other side. Attack Hades with your Claws of Hades until he is permanently weakened. Enter one last cutaway event and end with tapping the R1 and L1 keys over and over. You will then have taken the soul of Hades.
Once you have acquired the Soul of Hades, entering the River Styx will not hurt you. This means no more loss of powers like the first time you crossed it! Dive into the River Styx and head to the bottom of the river. There you will find another Godly Possession, Hades’ Helm.
Swim to the other side of the river and climb onto the ground. The game will lead you through a short explanation on how to use the powers of the Claws of Hades. The Claws allow you to use ghostly versions of some of the monsters you’ve already defeated on your enemies. You can change which ghost monster to summon as the basic option is the Cerberus dog. In order to switch which ghost to summon, press the Start key and then Triangle to load the options of the ghosts. Choose the soul you want and then call for it using the R2 key. You can always upgrade the Claws of Hades using your Red Orbs, which will unlock additional souls.
When the enemies around you have been defeated with the Claws of Hades, move into the next area of water. You will swim through a long corridor and will enter into a grand chamber. In the tunnel, a gate will stand in your way. Swim to the top of the water and jump out to find a lever. The lever will open the gate that you should then swim through.
The Forge Returned [TFR]
A cut scene greets you as you enter Hephaestus’s forge. After the cut scene, save your game at the save point and head down the staircase and leave Hephaestus behind.
God Of War 31
You should be in an area you recognize. Find the crank and Kratos should turn it. Cerberus dogs and statues will begin to fight you. Use your Blades of Exile to take them down. Dodge the statue attacks in order to stay alive. You may wish to use your magic attacks to defeat them as well.
Once the enemies are defeated, rotate the switch again to line up with the exit near the top. Walk down the road and tap R1 to grapple across the pit. A portal will appear in front of you. Take out the archers with your Bow of Apollo and walk through the portal.
The portal will take you to the City of Olympia.
Questions for Beginners [QFB]
God Of War 3 Walkthrough
1) I’ve noticed some sparkly haze in some areas of the game – what is that?
These indicate that something fishy is going on and the Gods of Olympus appear to have hidden something from your view. Once you obtain the Head of Helios, shine its light on the sparkly areas to reveal hidden chests and doors to new areas!
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2) What are these Godly Possessions I’ve found and how can I use them?
These Godly Possessions are special items that have been left behind by Gods you may have defeated. These items have powerful abilities that can only be used after you have already defeated the game. Should you decide to replay the game on the same difficulty, you may use the Godly Possessions located in your inventory to complete intense combos and unleash devastating damage. Once you’ve beaten the game, you can return to any save point and equip a Godly Possession.
3) Are Godly Possessions useable on other difficulty levels?
No. Godly Possessions are only available on the difficulty you’ve already unlocked. For instance, you must defeat the game in Titan mode in order to use Godly Possessions for Titan mode. You cannot use Godly Possessions obtained from a clearing of Easy during a game set in Chaos Mode.
4) I think I may have missed something, how can I go back and retry it?
Unfortunately, once you’ve completed a set of actions in the game, you cannot go back and undo those actions. The game is set in a straightforward chronological way. If you wish to try something to see what happens, it’s advisable to save the game first. If something happens afterward that you didn’t intend to happen, revert to your save point and try again.
5) I’ve killed a boss! Now what?
Before you leave the chamber where you defeated the Boss, be sure to look around. A number of the Godly Possessions can be found within short distance from that fresh corpse! By obtaining Godly Possessions, you can gain strong attacks and abilities for future attempts at the game. You can also obtain some fun trophies to show off for your friends.
6) What if I miss an Eye of Gorgon or a Phoenix Feather?
This should not be a problem. If you think you miss one, continue forward. There is a maximum number of Eyes of Gorgons and Phoenix Feathers that you can collect and there are more than that number throughout the game. If you collect the maximum number of these items, any other chests that may contain additional ones are converted to health or magic regeneration chests.
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1 comment for this God Of War III user guide
Comment by mrcruz76
Very detailed walkthru
Oct. 22, 2013, 12:30 p.m.