Edmx File On Visual Studio

Hi, Double click the edmx file, right-click the stage and select 'Update Model From Database', select your Views and Tables from the wizard, click Finish. Monday, May 9, 2011 10:50 PM. Jerry Weng Ctrip. After modifying an EDMX in Visual Studio 2019, it saves the EDMX properly but does not generate the C# files. This is a database first functionality, is there a new trick in VS2019 to actually gen. In this video, I'll show how to add a new edmx file or Entity Data Model file or EDM. Once you have created your database then you can add it to your project. Use the update model wizard (to update the storage model), open the.edmx file using the XML editor, find the desired property in the CSDL (conceptual model) section and change the desired attributes. This is basically the same as option 1, but you're editing the XML directly (a find and replace might be useful here).

  1. Import Edmx File Visual Studio
  2. Edmx File On Visual Studio 2010
Update edmx file visual studio 2017

The ADO.NET Entity Framework is an awesome way to quickly pull data into an app. I’ve been building apps for a really long time and have used all the frameworks that have come out over the years. IMO EF is the best one I’ve used yet.

Well, I should say it is awesome MOST of the time. The biggest beef I have with it is that the models can get out of sync with the database and saving the EDMX file and running the “Update Model from Database…” feature doesn’t work.

(The Update Model from Database option doesn’t update the object model and class files)

For example, let’s say I start with this model:

And I add a new table to the DB called Foo:

I then go back to my app and add my new table to the model using the “Update Model from Database…” feature:

And it is added to the diagram:

But the corresponding object model and CS file wasn’t generated:

Up until today I would have recreated the EDMX file, which is a big pain. But I discovered that there’s a context menu item called “Run Custom Tool”.

The most obvious choice is to select “Run Custom Tool” from the EDMX file, but that doesn’t do anything:

If you F4 the corresponding T4 file you can see that the custom tool associated with the T4 file is: TextTemplatingFileGenerator

Import Edmx File Visual Studio

So, I selected “Run Custom Tool” from the T4 context menu:

And that generated the Foo.cs file:

But I still didn’t have the Foo class in my object model:

So I selected the “Run Custom Tool” on the tt file:

And that generated the correct object model:

So anytime you find your EF model and/or class files out of sync with your database then you need to manually run the “Run Custom Tool” command on both the [Entities].tt file and the [Entities].Context.tt file.

This is a big pain. I will ping the product team to see if they can run the custom tool on the EDMX file when it is saved and recursively run on all the tt files associated with that EDMX parent.


Edmx File On Visual Studio 2010

Visual Studio 2017 has many project type options, and not all of them support the Entity Framework user interface to generate the Entity Framework Data Model (EDMX) file. If you create an ASP.NET Web Application(.NET Framework) you can add the EDMX file to it. The .NET Core projects do not support the Entity Framework Data Model creation.

For more complex web applications it is good practice to separate the data access layer from the presentation layer. You can even reference the data access project from another solution if that also needs access to the same data.

To be able to use the graphical user interface to generate the Entity Framework Entity Data Model

  1. Add a new Class Library (.NET Framework) type project to the solution,
  2. Right-click the new project and select Add -> New Item
  3. In the Data section select the ADO.NET Entity Data Model
  4. Select EF Designer from database
  5. Continue the process to create the database connection and generate the data model.

Generate the Entity Classes

  1. Open the EDMX file
  2. Right-click the background and select Add Code Generation Item
  3. Select the latest EF DbContext Generator
  4. When the classes have been generated, close the solution and open it again, otherwise, the newly created classes cannot be referenced.