Why Wont Microsoft Word Do Dual Screen

I can safely say that the symptom is 100% intended by Microsoft, but it heavily favors single-monitor users. I don't know the name of this feature of I would Google a way to kill it in the registry, but here's what it does: If you grab a not-full-screen window and attempt to drag it across the threshold of your monitors, the cursor will hit a. But typical of Windows computing, 'it depends'. I have exactly that setup, '#2' 4K monitor on left, #1 HD (1920x1080) on right. I have not encountered your problem. I have also have had the (external) 4K monitor defined as #1 with no problem. I suspect the fine detail is that the problem has to do with the specific video drive you are using. Hold your mouse over the split tab, then click and drag the tab all the way up or double-click the split box to refresh the screen to a single pane. Compare two documents using a split screen. Make sure you have both of the files open. Go to the view tab, and in the Window group, select the ‘View Side by Side’ button.

Why Wont Microsoft Word Do Dual ScreenWhy won


When moving windows between multiple screens – the windows can get “stuck” if moved across the top corners of the screen.


Why Won't Microsoft Word Do Dual Screen Download

This behaviour is caused by the Areo feature in Windows 10.

Areo allows you to “snap” windows to areas of the screen – e.g. the left, right, top or corners.

In Windows 7 this feature did not exist, so you were able to move window from one screen to another by dragging all the way to the top and across. But in Windows 10 it will get stuck as it hits the Aero corner snap point.

Unfortunately, the only solution is to completely disable Areo snap – however this also means you cannot snap windows to any other area of the screen – which sucks !

How to disable Areo snap in Windows 10


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  1. In the Windows search bar – search for Multitasking Settings and click on it when it appears in the search results
  2. In the settings screen, select ‘Off’ for ‘Arrange windows automatically by dragging them to the sides or corners of the screen’